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Group Health

No claims history? No problem. Curv quickly fills with real-world health data and predictive analytics.

Curve Health Group Curve Health Group

The group health industry’s most trusted, most powerful predictive model for underwriting is also its most versatile. Wherever you lack high-quality claims data, use Curv to quickly and strategically quote groups of almost any size for a competitive advantage in any market.

Curv is deceptively simple: In minutes, it transforms a health plan census into a highly predictive risk score so you can forecast future costs without past claims. But behind the scenes are the unrivaled complexity of patented technology, actuarial and clinical interpretation of massive volumes of real-world health data, and a proven record of industry-wide adoption and adaptation.

That’s why progressive yet discerning insurers have put their faith in Curv since it first disrupted group underwriting more than a decade ago. Curv can bend and flex to accommodate any book of business, manual ratings factors, and statewide benchmarks, delivering tailored value and exceptional ROI to carriers in several categories:

  • Level-funded and self-funded
  • Associations and multiple employer welfare arrangements (MEWA)
  • Professional employer organizations (PEO)
  • Fully insured (with partially credible or no claims experience)
  • Captive
  • Stop loss

Stop-loss carriers: Zero in on catastrophic claims risks
Curv can isolate risk above a specified individual stop-loss threshold, giving finely tuned insight into potential high-cost claims. Depend on Curv for more accurate pricing across your spectrum of underwritten groups.

PEOs: Win while others wait
Outpace your competitors and outperform customer expectations with Curv. Let other PEOs fuss with unreliable documents and time-consuming workflows while you turn around same-day bids on first-year plans—without compromising long-term pricing.

What you may be missing without Curv Group Health

Not all predictive models are created equal, and Curv holds its place above the pack of imitators. Based on the highest-quality medical claims and prescription data, trained on millions of lives, and calibrated to your specifications, Curv dependably gives you a leg up on your competitors with:

  • A single, actionable risk metric for fast and easy quotes
  • Actual, deidentified prescription and medical claims data (not out-of-the-box datasets)
  • Safe absorption of first-year plans into existing blocks of business
  • Aggressive pricing for low-risk groups and sustainable pricing for higher-risk groups
  • Ability to skip unreliable, time-consuming questionnaires
  • Freedom from cumbersome rate table manuals
  • AI-assisted risk selection and protection from “unintuitive” risks you can’t see

See more risks—and opportunities—with Curv

Curv quickly issues a score but also flags the group’s high-risk and high-cost conditions you want to know about—without burying you in minutiae. You’ll discover newfound underwriting efficiencies and insights that make it possible to confidently enter new markets, quote new groups you might otherwise have passed over, and maintain control of your unique processes and standards—so you can win the right business at the right rates.

Milliman IntelliScript’s Curv® products are protected by one or more of U.S. Patents: 9,118,641; 9,323,892; 9,665,685; 9,965,651; 10,109,375 and 10,886,012.

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    Win the right group business at the right rates.

    Learn how you can use Curv to sustainably build your business while competitively bidding new groups, with or without claims experience.